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Raymond Park is Getting a Makeover

Agency recently kicked off our first wave of community engagement for renovations at Raymond Park in Cambridge, MA, starting with a scavenger hunt and an online survey to better understand this beloved neighborhood asset.

At the heart of Cambridge’s Neighborhood Nine, Raymond Park is roughly 2.75 acres and features a playground within a grove of mature trees, an open recreation field, an off-leash dog area, basketball courts, and a community garden. Originally built in 1915 on a former clay pit during the heyday of North Cambridge’s brick-making industry, Raymond Park had its last major renovation over thirty years ago and currently shows many signs of age and wear.

The collected community feedback will inform Agency’s conceptual designs for updates to Raymond Park to be shared later this spring. The survey is still open for feedback until Friday, 4/5! If you’re in the neighborhood this week, complete the scavenger hunt and grab a magnet to show your love for Raymond Park! Sign up for project updates and follow our progress by visiting the City of Cambridge project website, here and checking out our project page, here.