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We’ve Got a Plan for Parks in Jersey City

As New Jersey’s fastest growing city, Jersey City recently surpassed 290,000 people and continues to be one of the most diverse cities in the country. In response to this evolution, the City of Jersey City is pushing the boundaries of planning to meet the changing needs for community-serving spaces of a growing and diversifying city.

Jersey City is in the process of reinvesting in critical green infrastructure and allocating funds for major renovations of existing parks to align with national trends and community needs. The Jersey City Open Space and Recreation Element, a component of the OUR Jersey City Master Plan Vision, prioritizes increased access between the City’s diverse communities and recreational open spaces. The Open Space Element’s recommendations serve to guide Jersey City towards an environmentally intelligent, well-connected, equitable, and unique system. They challenge the City to enhance and program every square inch of potential park, open space, trail, and program space to be creative and flexible. They call for a well connected system at all scales, from transportation networks, to educational and directional signage. They put forth actionable steps towards climate resilience. Jersey City can expand its role as a place where people of all ages, abilities, incomes, and backgrounds can make natural, social, and physical connections.

The OUR Jersey City Plan Vision Plan team consists of AECOM as the vision lead, BFJ Planning as the Land Use Element lead, and Agency Landscape + Planning as the Open Space and Community Facilities Element lead, together with NV5 Planning, Stokes Creative Group and Berry Dunn. For more information about the plan process and to check out the plan recommendations, head to the project website here or our project page here.