For over a century, Franklin Park has been a lively and beloved center of recreation, gathering, nature, and discovery for the Boston community. Now, with newly allocated park funds, the City of Boston is planning ahead for the park’s next century. With the sale of the Winthrop Square Garage, the City committed $28 million to revitalize Franklin Park. In preparation for this investment, which includes $5 million earmarked to create a maintenance endowment, the Boston Parks and Recreation Department launched a new action plan for the park.
Agency led the public engagement, planning, and programming for an effort led by Reed Hilderbrand in collaboration with MASS Design Group and a broad team of ecology, engineering, economic, and engagement experts to create a community driven action plan for an engaging and diverse Franklin Park.
Throughout this 18-month project which commenced in Fall 2019, the team undertook an equitable and inclusive planning and decision-making process to create a shared vision for the future of Franklin Park. Our work built on previous planning efforts and improvements by the City and its partners. Throughout the master plan process, the team visited Franklin Park and the surrounding communities for community workshops, pop-up activities, surveys, and conversations with the park’s neighbors.
Select Awards
ASLA Award of Excellence in Analysis and Planning, 2023
BSLA Honor Award in Analysis and Planning, 2023