The Allston-Brighton Community Plan will set a long-term vision, comprehensive land use plan, and implementation strategy for two of Boston’s densest and fastest-growing neighborhoods. The Community Plan marks the first time a comprehensive neighborhood plan has been developed for the Allston and Brighton neighborhoods. Led by our frequent collaborators, Grayscale Collaborative, Agency is leading the technical components of the plan, including existing conditions analysis, the development of exploratory scenarios to guide visioning, and the creation of an overall framework and concepts for the future of the neighborhoods.
Allston and Brighton are distinct neighborhoods and are home to a high percentage of young adults, people born outside of the United States finding their first footholds in the Boston area, and a thriving food and art community. From neighborhood centers like Oak Square, to the thriving Allston Village food scene, to the quickly growing Boston Landing district, the two neighborhoods include a diverse array of typologies and cultures. The neighborhoods are bordered by some of the city’s biggest educational institutions, including Harvard University, Boston University, and Boston College, whose evolution creates additional pressures on the neighborhood.
The plan will look at increasing housing affordability, supporting arts and culture, enhancing open space access and resilience, and improving multi-model transportation. The Community Plan will result in zoning recommendations to the city and will support the City of Boston’s ongoing efforts to develop a Squares and Streets approach to density around transportation hubs.
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