If you’ve ever been curious about how we pursue and win mission aligned work, join us at ASLA SKILL | ED next week (6/22-24)! The face behind many of these website updates and social media posts (Elsa Mark-Ng, our studio manager) will be talking about our marketing and proposal making process next Wednesday 6/23 at 3:30pm.
A Holistic Approach: The WHY, HOW and WHO to Gaining Mission-Based Business, with Whitney Tidd (Dix.Hite) and Chris Hepner (CMG)
Having a mission-based practice requires not only finding and winning projects, but using all the tools at your disposal to align your firm’s mission to the right project and client. This holistic effort requires strategy, persistence, and organization. Meet three marketing professionals who are helping their firms put mission into practice through winning great work. In this session they will share approaches to building client relationships, explain ways to think outside the “sales process,” provide tips to differentiate your firm, and of course, communicate how to craft and arrange thoughtful proposals.
Learning Outcomes: