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In Conversation with Girl UNinterrupted

Looking for a good read? Check out Girl UNinterrupted’s conversation series, featuring 20 incredible women principals in the design field.

Girl UNinterrupted, founded by Zhanina Boyadzhieva and Juliet Chun, “seeks to bridge the gap between young female designers (and designers in general) and leaders in the architecture field.”

“The project will impact the profession by bringing transparency to current challenges that emerging designers face and create a bridge between generational perspectives in order to jump start future growth. Our goal is to collectively build a culture of equity in the architecture field where the full potential of all designers can evolve.” – Girl UNinterrupted

In Girl UNinterrupted’s most recent conversation, Agency’s Gina Ford answers the question, “What is the most effective way to make change?” Through her life experiences growing up in a family of makers, breaking barriers and pushing norms as one of the first woman landscape principals at Sasaki, and finally to the co-founding and the mission of Agency, Gina continues to advocate for gender equality in the design profession. Read more about her story.