This Saturday, IMPACT, a Women in Design community’s exhibition, is opening in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the WID Award of Excellence! IMPACT reflects, honors, and shares the collective impact of the 57 recipients of the WID Award of Excellence and their broader communities, including Agency’s co-founder Gina Ford in 2019.
“The exhibition is not about a single woman, but a community of women who are present and powerful, who influence our future world and inspire our future leaders. It is about reflecting back while also looking forward—to the young woman establishing herself in the field, to the little girl who likes to tinker, and to the young boy who may find heroines as readily available and inspirational as heroes. It will showcase how great design can be transformative to communities, as well as how we must inspire and support one another as we strive toward excellence.”
As part of the exhibition, we created a fun, interactive constellation that reflects the universe of people who have influenced Gina Ford’s intergalactic design journey. Consistent with Agency’s ethos, this piece celebrates the community that is made in the making of work and the joy of co-creation. We will be at the exhibition reception on March 5 at 6pm, and we hope to see you there! Stay tuned for more details.
The exhibition is located at:
BSA Space
290 Congress Street, Suite 200
Boston, MA
It will be open from February 15 – April 5, 2020.