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Greater & Greener – Here We Come!

Following on many years of incredible park and greenway work in Denver, Agency is thrilled to be part of this year’s Greater & Greener Conference. At this five-day event, we are particularity excited for the following:

  • Agency’s Gina Ford will be welcomed as part of the City Parks Alliance Board of Directors, a diverse group of park leaders, advocates and thought leaders
  • Mayor Rosalyn Bliss of Grand Rapids, Michigan will be keynoting a discussion called Mayors Forum: City Building, focusing on how community partnerships can help cities tackle challenges holistically and create a new form of civic infrastructure. Gina Ford and Brie Hensold, while principals at Sasaki, led Grand Rapids’ most recent system-wide master plan under the strong leadership of Mayor Bliss and Director David Marquardt.
  • Harriet Crittenden Lamair and Josh Phillips of the High Line Canal Conservancy will lead a bike tour of the High Line Canal, a resource for which Agency and Livable Cities Studio led a soon-to-be released Framework Plan
  • Mark Tabor of the Denver Parks and Recreation Department will be discussing strategic planning for parks and recreation systems with a focus on the recently-completed Game Plan Update, a strategic plan led by Gina Ford and Brie Hensold while principals at Sasaki
  • Kathy Piper of the City of Westminster’s Parks, Recreation and Libraries Department will be touring its new Downtown Westminster project. Gina Ford and Susannah Ross led the master plan for Center Park, a future green gem in the downtown system, while at Sasaki.
  • Anna Cawrse of Sasaki will be presenting the Bonnet Spring Park project as part of a discussion on reuse of urban infrastructure. Gina Ford, while a principal at Sasaki, led the master planning vision that underpins Sasaki’s ongoing design and realization of this incredible project.

But that’s just the beginning. More on the full conference offerings below!


Greater & Greener is the leading international conference for exploring the role of parks in addressing some of the biggest challenges in cities. The highly curated sessions, workshops, and tours facilitate an honest dialogue around social equity, cross-agency and cross-sector partnerships, funding models, and replicable solutions for cities.

The five-day conference is an exciting blend of indoor sessions and outdoor experiences that bring the power of parks to life. It starts with more than a dozen guided weekend tours highlighting the vast outdoor resources and landmarks of the Denver metro area including Paco Sanchez Park, Confluence Park, Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Stapleton, and more. On Wednesday, the International Forum, provides an in-depth look at select projects and models from around the globe. More than 40 sessions offer LA CES professional development hours.

More Than 140 speakers Confirmed Including Keynote Speakers and Mayors Forum Panelists:

  • Dr. Charles Nilon, Urban Wildlife Ecologist, University of Missouri
  • Erion Veliaj, Mayor, Municipality of Tirana, Albania
  • Dr. Yılmaz Büyükerşen, Mayor, City of Eskisehir, Turkey
  • Juan Camilo Gonzalez, North City General Manager, Bogota, Colombia
  • Rosalynn Bliss, Mayor, City of Grand Rapids
  • Michael Hancock, Mayor, City of Denver
  • Knox White, Mayor, City of Greenville, SC

Greater & Greener offers more than 80 sessions, tours, workshops, and networking opportunities including:

Register today and connect with parks and recreation professionals, public works, city planning and other municipal agency representatives, mayors, community leaders, designers, landscape architects, and other international leaders involved in city building at Greater & Greener 2019!

If you have specific questions about registration or CPA membership, feel free to reach-out to Tom McCann from City Park Alliance at or 202-831- 4619.