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Check out this video for the Medford Comprehensive Plan

“The plan will reflect our community’s vision and values, celebrating culture and diversity and identifying opportunities for growth and innovation. It will target seven areas of focus: land use; housing; economic development; history, arts, and cultures; open space and recreation; public services; and mobility. Each of these subjects will be studied in relation to the social issues most important to our communities, such as health, equity, climate resiliency, and other values that you help us define.” Medford Comprehensive Plan

Check out this video to learn about what is guiding the comprehensive plan for Medford, Massachusetts! Big shoutout to LANDAU Design+Technology (video!), life-long Medford resident Denis MacDougall (voice!), and of course the City of Medford.

If you live, work, worship, play, study, or hang out in Medford, add your stories, concerns, and ideas to our community map and share ideas for the future of Medford ⁠— here!

Our full team includes Innes AssociatesKarp StrategiesARUP, and LANDAU Design+Technology. More about the project in our announcement.

Mark your calendars for the next community meeting on October 20, 6-8pm! Medford community members are encouraged to attend. Agenda and Zoom link will be shared soon!