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Bozeman is Buzzing about the new Downtown Improvement Plan

We’re proud to announce that the adoption of the Downtown Bozeman Improvement Plan, led by Brie Hensold.

Featured recently in the Next City, “Bringing the Crowd Back to Main Street”, this planning effort and the resulting plan sit within the context of a nationwide push by municipalities to keep their historic urban centers vital and inclusive. Amid discussions of how to retain Bozeman’s unique character and charm despite its sustained urban growth over the past couple decades, the plan proposes a framework for growth that focuses it in ways that helps bolster Bozeman’s sense of place.  In Next City’s words, “the plan aims to keep downtown, and with it, the city’s historic Main Street, the heart of the city,” proposing a framework for growth that focuses it in ways that helps bolster Bozeman’s sense of place.  In her interview with Next City, Patrice Frey, the CEO of Main Street America, notes, “creating some density means that it’s easier for the corner store and the local coffee shop to stay open — it’s a vital element.”

The nearly year-long public process has elicited robust engagement and response from the community and stakeholder groups.  Over the past 10 months, the project has involved over 100 stakeholders through 26 meetings, engaged with over 230 participants through 8 community events, and garnered nearly 2,300 public comments.  We love downtowns and cities like Bozeman, and are thrilled to be part of the discussion around how to sustain their success and guide their evolution over time!