The Allston-Brighton Community Plan team held our first public open house at the Brighton Elks Lodge last month, and residents from around Allston-Brighton turned out en masse to help shape the future of their fast changing neighborhoods. The Allston-Brighton Community Plan will set a long-term vision, comprehensive land use plan, and implementation strategy for two of Boston’s densest and fastest-growing neighborhoods. Led by our frequent collaborators, Grayscale Collaborative, Agency is leading the technical components of the plan, including existing conditions analysis, the development of exploratory scenarios to guide visioning, and the creation of an overall framework and concepts for the future of the neighborhoods.
At the October 24th open house, residents explored two possible scenarios for the future of Allston-Brighton: in Scenario 1, A Hop, Skip, and a Jump, new housing, businesses, services, and cultural assets would be concentrated in a few core districts, with larger open spaces seeing increased investment and improved accessibility. In Scenario 2, Just Around the Corner, new housing, businesses, services, and cultural assets would be distributed in medium-density squares and corridors throughout the neighborhood, with more emphasis on pocket parks and green infrastructure. Residents shared their priorities and input on how each scenario could improve the neighborhood. The team is now working to integrate results from engagement into a series of neighborhood-wide frameworks and smaller area concept plans. The next public open house will take place in early 2025 and will gather input on the draft frameworks and concept plans.
If you live in Boston, take the online survey to share your input on the draft scenarios, here.
Learn more about the project and read relevant previous plans on the city’s website, here.