We are working with the Raleigh Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department on a plan update to their 2014 Parks System Plan. This update will confirm what the Parks Plan has accomplished already, identify how Raleigh has changed over the past decade, and create ways to meet future park needs. Working with us on the plan are our long-time collaborators at McAdams Company, BerryDunn, and Toole Design Group.
The Parks Plan is a community-based project that will guide the next ten years of the City’s parks, nature preserves, greenways, facilities, and programs. This past fall, our team completed our first major engagement milestone with a round of pop-up events, community-wide workshops, and online engagement in order to understand what people value about Raleigh’s parks and programs and to see what a future vision for the parks system could look like.
To learn more about this plan or to share your ideas, check out our project page here and visit http://publicinput.com/raleighparksplan.