The City of Wilmington, North Carolina has engaged Agency to craft a Special Area Plan for its greater downtown. Wilmington is a small and growing city in the North Carolina tidewater region. Originally settled as a colonial port on Cawtaban land, Wilmington sustained itself as an exporter of goods and later a shipbuilding center. In modern times it has become a hub for the film industry and a beach tourism destination.
Through the Greater Downtown Special Area Plan, Wilmington will address the heritage and future of its evolving place identity, the opportunities and challenges of growth, and the realities of its economic and fiscal health. Wilmington’s wealth of historic Southern architecture and walkable urban fabric contribute to its remarkable sense of place. Yet, the city is still shaped by a Reconstruction-era coup instigated by white supremacists who massacred and drove out newly-freed Black Wilmingtonians, burned down Black institutions, and seized control of city government. As current day Black residents face displacement pressure, it is clear that justice and belonging must be part of the conversation.
To tackle these issues and opportunities, Agency is partnering with James Lima Planning + Development, &Access, Bolton & Menk, Neighboring Concepts, and Alta Planning + Design. For more information on the team’s progress, click here.
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