We have been proud supporters of and collaborators with The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF) for many years, but this week, we became superfans! In addition to creating a prize to honor and support a significant landscape architect, TCLF announced yesterday that the Prize would be named after the visionary landscape architect Cornelia Hahn Oberlander.
Agency’s Susannah Ross, a member of the Foundation’s board of directors, delightfully shared in the announcement, held at a small gathering in New York City yesterday.
Rob and Joan Shafran, lead donors for this incredible prize, pictured here with Susannah and TCLF President Charles Birnbaum, are owed tremendous respect and love for giving landscape architecture a prize worthy of its myriad benefits and values. Thank you, Rob and Joan!
Building on the Shafran’s generosity, Agency is thrilled to be among our ladyboss peers as part of the 100 Women Campaign supporting the Prize. See our reflection on Cornelia’s contributions and the value of the prize here!
A small excerpt here:
“As a feminist practice, we are equally honored to be part of an award named for one of our profession’s great heroines, Cornelia Hahn Oberlander. Cornelia’s combination of rigor, grit, craft, and creativity have made her an idol and icon for the next generation of practitioners. She represents the best of what landscape architecture is—beautiful, sustainable, and rich with meaning. Elevating the visibility and celebrating the contributions of both of these unsung heroes—landscape architecture and woman designers—feels more critical now than ever.”
100 Cheers for Cornelia!